OVH Supports The Manassas Mini Tri

Rear panel added.

VP – OVH Sunday, June 27th, 2021 marked the return of the Manassas Mini Tri, and once again the Ole Virginia Hams provided communications support and acted as spotters. Andy, KJ4MTP was our coordinator at the event, which was held once again at The Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center, Manassas, VA. Scheduled to start at 8:15 AM, Andy wanted us there no later than 7:30 AM for our assignments and actual positioning. To get us there on time, Andy bribed us with donuts, but to be fair, he made us bring our own coffee. Oh well. We did not have a full compliment however, so some Check Points went unmanned. Be that as it may, the Prince William County Police provided a very robust presence. There were five patrol cars … Read more >>

Club Nametags and Polos

It seems our recruiting efforts have been paying off with several new members joining the club recently. When you hear them on the Thursday club net, please take a minute to introduce yourself and welcome them to OVH. I had some questions at Tailgate about club nametags. You can order one directly from the link below. We also have club polos (right). For details, contact Jeff at  

Tailgate Party in lieu of Hamfest 2021

VP – OVH With the weekend behind us, it is time to look back at our Tailgate Party 2021. If this event had a motto, it probably would have been Semper Gumby (Always Flexible). The planning committee had to work around the coronavirus restrictions for places to have our event and to even have in person meetings. But we powered through. The week of the event was an eventful one weatherwise. The days immediately before the event were rain soaked. But we adapted. There was a great deal of planning by many individuals before the event and as you would expect, on the day of the event, real life happened. We thought we were onto something with our event, because of the level of interest we generated before the event: … Read more >>

2021 OVH Tailgate Party Preparation

VP – OVH After months of planning, three planning meetings (one virtual and two in person) Ole Virginia Hams finally held its first Tailgate Party. I wanted to share with you the amount of work that went into this event and to acknowledge the incredible amount of effort of the planning and implementation crews. From the Tailgate event planning committee, we would like to recognize the following people: With John, KG4NXT; Theresa, KG4TVM; Sandy, KM4JUS; Ray, KM4EKR; Don, WA2SWX; Ken, KN4DD; Ron, K3FR; Tony, KM4KLB & Gil, KM4OZH. We would especially like to recognize Tony for the amount of effort he put into planning the layout of our Tailgate Party. Below, I have capsulized Tony’s nine page project plan in PDF format. I think this one page demonstrates the incredible … Read more >>

OVH Scholarship awarded

Hannah receives OVH scholarship

For 2021, OVH renamed the scholarship in memory of OVH Club Member Steve Frick, N4OGR, who passed away in January.  Many of Steve’s friends contributed to the scholarship fund, which raised $4400.  This provided the opportunity to have 2 $1000 scholarships.  The remaining donation funds will be used as part of the scholarship for 2022. On Wednesday, June 2nd, Jay Moore, NQ4T, OVH Club President, Sandy Knight, KM4JUS, OVH Scholarship Chair, and Jan Frick, KE4TMW, Steve’s widow, presented 1 of the scholarships to Hannah Palmer, at her home in the Dale City area. Hannah graduated from CD Hylton High School and will be attending University of Virginia, majoring in Chemical Engineering. She ranked #3 in her class of 537 and loves math & science.  She hopes to use her skills … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

SUNSHINE CORNER – JUNE, 2021 Happy Birthday wishes to Jan, KE4TMW; Jim, KM4SXM; Bob, W4PHX; Derrick, KV4SH; Wayne, AG4ZZ; Gene, N4HFW and Bob, K4HJF. Happy Father’s Day to all our club members, hope you get to enjoy the day! Last month I posted congratulations to Wayne on his daughter’s college graduation. Turns out both daughter’s had graduations in the same weekend. So double congrats to the Phillip’s family! Thank you again to everyone that contributed to the Steve, N4OGR Memorial Scholarship. The committee led by Sandy, KM4JUS was able to award two scholarships this year! OUTSTANDING! The OVH Tailgate Event is Saturday, June 12th from 8 AM to 2 PM. To all the members who have volunteered to help, thank you very much! We will have a club table and … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy Birthday wishes to John, KM4VCJ; David, KG4GIY; Bill, WA4FIC; Jack, N4YIC; Carl, KK4ZYX; Craig, WA3UFY; Roberto, KM4RIE; Dick, KM4UXE; Susan, K3SSP; Terry, KC4DV; Bruce, KN4GDX; Don, WA2SWX; Robert, KJ4EOR, and John, KG4NXT Happy Mother’s Day to all our moms – club members and family members. Our VE Session on May 8th went well; we have a new General and 5 new Techs. Congratulations to everyone. Thank you to the VEs who attended to get the tests graded. Pictures are on our website – Condolences to Jay, NQ4T, whose grandfather passed away last week. Congratulations to Wayne, N7QLK on his daughter’s college graduation! Congratulation to Duane, KK4BZ. He will be taking care of Father of the Bride duties in June. Best wishes to the bride & groom. Congratulations to … Read more >>

OVH VE session and …. all pass

Test grading

On May 8, 2021, OVH held a VE session at the Nokesville Community Park. Our Volunteer Examiners were Al, KB4BHB; Ken, KN4DD; Mark, WA4KFZ; Tony, KM4KLB; Ray, KM4EKR; George, K4GVT and John, KG4NXT. Additionally, OVH members Theresa, KG4TVM and Eric, KO4MBI came to the session to assist. All 6 of the applicants earned a new license. There are 5 new Technician licensees and one new General, OVH’s own Harry Zint, KN4IJY. One new twist for this VE session was that all of the applicants had to have an FRN (FCC Registration Number) before testing. You can no longer come to the VE session with just a social security number. Surprisingly, all applicants came with an FRN. Ken, KN4DD was prepared to apply on-line for any applicant that arrived without an … Read more >>